How to call a function in javascript by Android keyboard enter?


Viewed 384 times


Good night. I’m studying and I really need three things, but if you can help with just one, that’s good, I tried to search and applied many tips from various websites but I was not successful. I need the button "Enter (arrow) inside Android"call the specific function inside the button "search". if I set the button to "input button" enter does nothing and if I just set it to "button" enter gives error page. Summarizing the javascript code searches inside the object array by the cancel number of the list and prints in a table. Note. the code works but here I could not run.

1 - centralize H1 - could not get on the screen of Android 9 2 - bring Section left - 3 - question = make the android enter button call the function

teste realizado

<script type = "text/javascript">

const lista = [
{loja:100,cancelamento:123,atendimento:'Autorização Nº1077229',data: '01/01/2020',

{loja:200,cancelamento:456,atendimento:'Enviado para Administradora',data: '02/02/2020',

{loja:300,cancelamento:789,atendimento:'Não é permitido cancelamento parcial',data: '03/03/2020',
status:'Aguardando Filial'


cancelamento.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
}); */

function handleEnterKeyPress() {
    console.log('Enter key pressed')
  window.addEventListener('keyup', event => {
    console.log(event.code, event.key);
    if (event.code === 'NumpadEnter' || event.code === 'Enter')

function buscar() {
var cancelamento = document.getElementById('cancelamento')
let buscar = Number(cancelamento.value)
let result = document.getElementById('res')
let listagem = document.getElementById('listagem')
let table = document.getElementById('table')


const procurar = lista.find( obj => obj.cancelamento === buscar )//buscar 
        console.log( procurar )   
        console.log(`lista ${lista}`)
        console.log("testando" + typeof(procurar))
        console.log("testando" + typeof(lista))

if(procurar != undefined){
   document.getElementById('loja').innerText = "Loja"
   document.getElementById('cancelamentoTabela').innerText = "Cancelamento"
   document.getElementById('atendimento').innerText = "Atendimento"
   document.getElementById('data').innerText = "Data"
   document.getElementById('status').innerText = "Status"

    var lojaRes = document.getElementById("lojaRes")
    var cancelamentoRes = document.getElementById('cancelamentoRes')
    var atendimentoRes = document.getElementById("atendimentoRes")
    var dataRes = document.getElementById("dataRes")
    var statusRes = document.getElementById("statusRes")
   document.getElementById('lojaRes').innerText = procurar.loja
   document.getElementById('cancelamentoRes').innerText = procurar.cancelamento
   document.getElementById('atendimentoRes').innerText = procurar.atendimento
   document.getElementById('dataRes').innerText =
   document.getElementById('statusRes').innerText = procurar.status
   console.log("testando" + typeof(procurar.status))
   if (procurar.status == "Aguardando Filial") 
    { = '#FF0000';}

    { = '#32CD32';}

   listagem.innerText = " "
   var div = document.getElementById('div') = 'block';
   document.getElementById('cancelamento').Number = ""
}if (procurar == undefined) {
    listagem.innerText = "Cancelamento não localizado!"
    var div = document.getElementById('div') = 'none';
    document.getElementById('cancelamento').Number = ""

var button = document.getElementById('button')
function mudaBackground() { = "rgb(85, 167, 221)"; = "2px solid black"; = "2px solid black"; = "2px solid black"; = "2px solid black"; = "2px solid black"; = "2px solid black";

document.getElementById('loja').style.border = "2px solid black";
document.getElementById('cancelamentoTabela').style.border = "2px solid black";
document.getElementById('atendimento').style.border = "2px solid black";
document.getElementById('data').style.border = "2px solid black";
document.getElementById('status').style.border = "2px solid black";

if (procurar.status = "Aguardando Filial") {
{ = '#FF0000';
}else { = '#32CD32';}


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pt-BR">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

  <h1 class="h1" id="h1">Consulta Cancelamento</h1><br>


  <section class="section" id="section">
      <input type="number" class="cancelamento" name="cancelamento" id="cancelamento" autofocus="cancelamento"><input type="button" class="buscar" value="buscar" onclick="buscar();mudaBackground();" id="button">


    <div id="res" class="res">

      <strong> <p id="listagem"></p> </strong>


    <div id="div">
      <p id="listagem2">
        <table class="table" id="table">
          <thead class="thead" id="thead">
            <th id="loja" class="th"></th>
            <th id="cancelamentoTabela" class="th"></th>
            <th id="atendimento" class="th"></th>
            <th id="data" class="th"></th>
            <th id="status" class="th"></th>
          <tbody class="tbody">
            <td id="lojaRes" class="td"></td>
            <td id="cancelamentoRes" class="td"></td>
            <td id="atendimentoRes" class="td"></td>
            <td id="dataRes" class="td"></td>
            <td id="statusRes" class="td"></td>




2 answers


You can use the Keyboardevent, probably the best option is Event keyup, because it will be fired only once even if the user keeps the key pressed. Then just check which key was pressed through the properties code or key

function handleEnterKeyPress() {
  console.log('Enter key pressed')

window.addEventListener('keyup', event => {
  console.log(event.code, event.key);
  if (event.code === 'NumpadEnter' || event.code === 'Enter')

  • Thanks for the answer. I tried to implement your code and also could not make work on Android Enter. I even found another code, but to no avail. cancellation.addeventlistener("keyup", Function(Event) { Event.preventDefault(); if (Event.keycode === 13) { fetch(); } })

  • The estate event.keyCode is obsolete, beware of using. Try running this code through the desktop browser using the emulated mobile keyboard and look on the console at which code will appear. Or change the console.log by a alert and test on the same cell

  • Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately I could not implement the friend code maybe I did not explain right: what I need is for the function to be called by the button ( working ok) or by "enter on android keyboard". The way I test is to move the.html file to your phone and open it in the browser. I even linked the original script

  • Using the code below I was able to search with Enter but it is not printed on the screen, shows and clears the screen. <script type="text/javascript"> Document.getElementById("cancel"). onkeypress = Function(Event){ if (Event.keycode == 13 || Event.which == 13){ fetch(); } }; >

  • It seems that the problem is different, if it is the case, open another question. Don’t ask too many questions together, if you solved this problem, mark the best answer as correct

  • But not solved , I’m still trying to call the function with the keyboard enter on android and also with the button ( that already works ).

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The solution unfortunately not found here in Stackoverflow but I thank the Costamilam who gave a north and adjusted the code, I believe that everything was going for some reason in the declaration of the input button where I changed from "input type="button"" for just one button and removed the type and took the input and button from inside a form that was the last one that did not let the keyboard event enter to call the functions. I tried to align the input and button in the container but could not center it on the page.

But try another question

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