Read special characters (such as accents and cedillas) in the html body


Viewed 514 times


I am trying to read a news site, but the special characters (like accents and cedillas) are coming wrong. Example:

In html code (and news site) is, for example:

Examples 1: "Brazil prohibits people from entering the border with Venezuela". But my code returns: "Brazil proh-be entry of people on the border with Venezuela"

Examples 2: "Without tourists and boats, Venice’s water becomes clearer and clearer". But my code returns: "Without tourists and boats, Venice’s water becomes clearer and unlisted"

I saw that a solution would be to introduce an ADO Stream object, but I couldn’t implement it. Someone can help?

Public Function getHTTP(ByVal Url As String) As String
    With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
        .Open "GET", Url, False: .Send
        getHTTP = StrConv(.ResponseBody, vbUnicode)
    End With
End Function


Sub analisar()

Url = ""
Html = getHTTP(Url)
inicio_titulo = 1
i = 0

For Each c In Range("A1:A20")

    inicio_titulo = InStr(inicio_titulo, Html, """title"":""") + 9
    fim_titulo = InStr(inicio_titulo, Html, """,""url"":""")
    titulo = Mid(Html, inicio_titulo, fim_titulo - inicio_titulo)
    c.Value = titulo


End Sub
  • If you put .Charset = "utf-8" in the CreateObject, before the .Open, works?

  • No. Gave invalid property (error 438).

  • You are using conversion to Unicode and will give problem with accent in Latin even. See this article

  • And the way you are performing, you may have problems reaching the maximum number of characters, see how to extract HTML to a . txt in this answer

1 answer


First, special thanks to danieltakeshi.

  • The conversion to Hexa and then to Utf8 I didn’t know, I was able to reproduce according to article.
  • The burst of characters that danieltakeshi mentioned may actually occur. I will implement a txt as suggested.

For the specific problem presented, I have achieved an even simpler solution:


getHTTP = StrConv(.ResponseBody, vbUnicode)


getHTTP = .Responsetext

This property I didn’t know, and I don’t need to go through the conversion of 'Strconv' that loses the information of utf8.

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