How to automatically redirect or rewind to the previous page?


Viewed 206 times


I have this php and js code on the login page, it redirects to another page after 4 seconds, but I wanted it to redirect to the previous or source page that had sent the user to this login page. How to do it, because I’ve tried it many times and I can’t do it.

Follow the code below:

      $clubeSorte->mensagemSucesso("Login feito com sucesso! Será redirecionado brevemente. Se não for redirecionado clique <a href='".URL_PESQUISA."'>aqui</a>");


        function redirect(){
          window.location = "<?php echo URL_PESQUISA; ?>";
        setTimeout(redirect, 4000);
  • Maybe window.history.go(-1); in javascript help you.

  • Ok worked but I had to put window.history.go(-2); ... By the way I had already tested this but it must have been wrong or wrong. Thank you very much.

1 answer


Solved, can maintain all functions and just replace the part of js window.Location = ""; by window.history.go(-1);

That’s the whole code: $clubeSorte->messageSupport("Login successfully done! It will be redirected soon. If it is not redirected click here");


        function redirect(){
        setTimeout(redirect, 4000);

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