Hello, it’s been a few days that I’m breaking my head to be able to register a user and its role. The information should be recorded in different entities and I can’t make that relationship. I can only persist the user in the 'user' table. I cannot persist the profile information in the 'profile' entity. I’d like to understand how this relationship could work.
Hibernate Mappings
@JoinTable(name="usuario_perfil", joinColumns =
@JoinColumn(name="usuario_id", referencedColumnName="id"), inverseJoinColumns =
@JoinColumn(name="perfil", referencedColumnName="rolePerfil"))
private List<Perfil> perfil2;
public class Perfil implements GrantedAuthority{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private RolePerfil rolePerfil;
@ManyToMany(mappedBy = "perfil2")
private List<Usuario> usuarios;
public String getAuthority() {
return rolePerfil.toString();
public List<Usuario> getUsuarios() {
return usuarios;
public void setUsuarios(List<Usuario> usuarios) {
this.usuarios = usuarios;
public RolePerfil getRolePerfil() {
return rolePerfil;
public void setRolePerfil(RolePerfil rolePerfil) {
this.rolePerfil = rolePerfil;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) {
this.id = id;
<div class="form-group col-md-2">
<label for="perfil2">Perfil</label>
<select class="form-control" name="perfil2" id="perfil2">
th:each="role : ${T(com.Test.model.RolePerfil).values()}"
th:value="${role}" th:text="${role}">
@PostMapping(value = "/save")
public ModelAndView save(Usuario usuario, BindingResult bindingResult, RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {
BCryptPasswordEncoder passwordEncoder = new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
String senha = passwordEncoder.encode(usuario.getSenha());
String confirmaSenha = passwordEncoder.encode(usuario.getConfirmaSenha());
redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("message", "Operação realizada com sucesso!");
return edit(usuario.getId());
Usuario [nome=Bruno, login=bruno, senha=$2a$10..., confirmaSenha=$2a$10...,
email=test@test, dataRegistro=2020-02-13T02:50:23.790, status=true, perfil2=null]
Hibernate: select next_val as id_val from hibernate_sequence for update
Hibernate: update hibernate_sequence set next_val= ? where next_val=?
Hibernate: insert into usuario (data_registro, email, login, nome, senha, status, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: create table cliente (id bigint not null, bairro varchar(255), celular varchar(255), cep varchar(255), cidade varchar(255), cpf varchar(255), data_cadastro datetime, data_nascimento date, email varchar(255), endereco varchar(255), estado varchar(255), facebook varchar(255), instagram varchar(255), nome varchar(255), observacoes varchar(255), profissao varchar(255), sexo varchar(255), telefone varchar(255), tipo_pessoa varchar(255), twitter varchar(255), primary key (id)) engine=InnoDB
Hibernate: create table hibernate_sequence (next_val bigint) engine=InnoDB
Hibernate: insert into hibernate_sequence values ( 1 )
Hibernate: insert into hibernate_sequence values ( 1 )
Hibernate: insert into hibernate_sequence values ( 1 )
Hibernate: create table perfil (role_perfil integer not null, primary key (role_perfil)) engine=InnoDB
Hibernate: create table produto (id bigint not null, altura integer, categoria varchar(255), codigo_barra bigint, comissao decimal(19,2), comprimento integer, custo_operacional decimal(19,2), data_fabricacao datetime, data_validade datetime, descricao varchar(255), estoque integer, estoque_minimo integer, fabricante varchar(255), fornecedor varchar(255), icms decimal(19,2), largura integer, margem_lucro decimal(19,2), modelo varchar(255), nome varchar(255), origem varchar(255), peso integer, preco_promocional decimal(19,2), preco_unidade decimal(19,2), preco_venda decimal(19,2), referencia bigint, unidade varchar(255), primary key (id)) engine=InnoDB
Hibernate: create table usuario (id bigint not null, data_registro datetime, email varchar(255), login varchar(255), nome varchar(255), senha varchar(255), status bit, primary key (id)) engine=InnoDB
Hibernate: create table usuario_perfil (usuario_id bigint not null, perfil integer not null) engine=InnoDB
Hibernate: alter table usuario_perfil add constraint FKh5di2ijgv1c31x7q4k2xggiga foreign key (perfil) references perfil (role_perfil)
Hibernate: alter table usuario_perfil add constraint FKnrjqnbylalt4ykxbcef24f57w foreign key (usuario_id) references usuario (id)
From now on, thank you gentlemen.
Pq User is as
?– Gustavo
so I may be mistaken, but I believe I can leave the user as the primary key, since I will not make use of the identifier.
– Bruno Menezes