I am passing 3 parameters: a vector with the name of 30 cities, one with the x coordinates of the respective cities and the other with the y coordinates.
I need to print on the screen the cities further north, south, etc. I’m still doing tests. I’m trying to assign the city value to the variable char cidade
that I created (it only has 3 indexes because it will be used in the tiebreaker).
However, I’m having a mistake:
"error: incompatible types when assigning to type ľchar[150]' from type ¡char *'" and wondered what the problem is.
void funcao(char cidadeXY[][150], int coordenadasX[], int coordenadasY[])
int i;
int norte, sul, leste, oeste, centro;
char cidade[150];
for(i = 0; i < 30; i++);
d[i].cidade = cidadeXY[i];
printf("%s\n", d[i].cidade);
As requested, the statements and the function call:
char cidadeXY[30][150];
void funcao(char cidade[][150], int coordenadasX[], int coordenadasY[])
funcao(cidadeXY, coordenadasX, coordenadasY);
The code is big and a lot of it has nothing to do with that function, so I just put the statements and the call.
The signature of the function should be:
void funcao(char** cidadeXY, int coordenadasX[], int coordenadasY[])
. If this settles let me know that I add an official response.– karlphillip
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