Criteria - Sort by predicate with Join


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Hello, I’m trying to make an ordination in Criteria for the following query:

FROM Social social
         LEFT JOIN socialfavorite favorite ON ( = favorite.favoritedSocial_id AND favorite.user_id = 2)
ORDER BY desc;

I transformed the sort part using the Criteria API:

Join<SocialUser, SocialFavorite> favorite = socialUser.join("socialFavorites");

                            builder.equal(socialUser.get("id"), favorite.get("favoritedSocial").get("id")),
                            builder.equal(favorite.get("user").get("alias"), search.getCurrentUserAlias())

                    if (orderParam.getType().equals(OrderType.ASC)) {
                        return builder.asc(favorite.get("id"));
                    return builder.desc(favorite.get("id"));

However, whenever Boer executes the orderBy the following error occurs:

Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'socialuser2_.alias' in 'on clause'
  • socialuser2_.alias is being informed where in the query?

  • It is mounted by Criteria, probably when I do Join, but I found it very strange that he "gets lost" in this

  • Yes, which is why I wondered, I took a look at the Criteria documentation last night, even in the examples I found on the net, I didn’t find anything like your... I’m trying to find a solution here, if I can I put it to you

  • Man, thank you so much. I’ve been trying several solutions for days, I even tried with subquery but gave the same error

1 answer



When this is in the Join clause in the Criteria API, it is only possible to select your entity’s primary key, making the other properties inaccessible.

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