Why does Clear remove the R class from the Android project?


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I lost an entire project because I ran a clear on the Android project as it removed the R class.

Why does that happen? How do for Android project generates again the class R?

1 answer


If the project did not govern the R class, your project has bigger problems.

Check whether your AndroidManifest.xml is 100% correct if there are no errors in the activities, files and subfolders of the folder res.

The Eclipse Clean operation takes the temporary files from the projects you executed the action, and then it reconstructs them. So Clean took the R class, and didn’t rule it because his project has problems, like some I mentioned above.

  • I’m sorry, but I’m exposing my comment with all due respect. To deduce that my project has some mistake I don’t need to be so smart, even my wife’s 70-year-old grandmother would suggest that my project has mistakes, But if you were to suggest that I post the script of my Androidmanifest.xml file to verify which could be the error support, that would be more coherent right? I’m even willing to put my project on github for analysis.

  • An error on Androidmanifest is just a possibility, as written in my reply. And I can’t ask for clarification on it. If you could provide the manifest.xml in something like a Pastebin, I would appreciate it.

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