The statement of the financial year is: Declare the dayFew you receive a "Sunday" string. Then implement a conditional using if that compares diaDemana is equal to "Sunday", if true print a string "Today is football day!!!".
I made the following code:
var diaDeSemana = "domingo";
if ( "domingo" === diaDeSemana) {
console.log("hoje é dia de futebol!");
The solution is accepted, but it appears the warning that it compares against strings! I have already researched on the internet about the different ways of comparison, but I found no result for this error.
Is that it? I’ll test it and I’ll be right back!
– Stéphanie Verissimo
Sergio, you’re right! I declared the answer as variable and then compared the two variables
– Stéphanie Verissimo
@Stéphanieverissimo ótimo!
– Sergio