I ran some tests and got the following results:
- Accessing this mocky.io API without using HTTPS generates some
exceptions during the use of fetch, therefore it will be necessary
replace http with https:
- You create the constant as follows: const {url}, I didn’t understand
Why, but so it doesn’t work, you could just remove
the keys in that stretch:
const url = await pegaValores();
- Finally in the Value function, as it is a function
asynchronous, you can use fetch with await:
await fetch('https://www.mocky.io/v2/5dba68fb3000007400028eb5')
At the end the code was as follows:
async function recebe(){
const url = await pegaValores();
async function pegaValores(){
return await fetch('https://www.mocky.io/v2/5dba68fb3000007400028eb5').then( result => result.json());
If you want to test, here’s an online example: https://repl.it/repls/VisibleDarkredTechnician
Always beware of async and asynchronous API concatenations like the Fetch API. How to take Alores is async and returns a fetch the catch awaitValores() will wait just for the fetch to be returned and not the fetch result, so url is as Undefined.
– MarioAleo