I’m having a hard time doing something that apparently should be very simple, I need a file type input to be disabled/invisible until the user marks a checkbox type input that by default will be disabled.
Here is my attempt:
function HabilitarUpload(Opcao1, UploadOpcao1)
document.getElementById(UploadOpcao1).disabled = !Opcao1.checked;
<label class="container">OPÇÃO 1
<input type="checkbox" id="Opcao1" onclick="HabilitarUpload(Opcao1, UploadOpcao1);">
<span class="checkmark"></span>
<input type="file" name="img" id="UploadOpcao1" disabled="true">
I would also like to know if/how I could make the text that comes before the file type input (TEXT UPLOAD OPTION 1) appear only when the checkbox is checked.
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