I’m trying to list a list of users of the database, but it does not load when starting the application and not even if I update the emulator of android studio by pressing 'RR', already tested on my mobile and also happens the same thing, but the strange thing is that if I give a Ctrl+s in vscode (which I’m using to codate) the list loads. I’m using Hooks and firebase to do this; in order to get the listing right, I had to use list.push(), I think that’s what’s bugging the app, I should use setlist(), but setlist() only runs once inside snapshot.foreach()I’ve been doing some research and found that doing this is not good practice, so what can I do to list users and get this bug?
Here is the code:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { View, Text, FlatList, ActivityIndicator } from 'react-native';
import { firebase } from '@react-native-firebase/database';
export default function App(){
const [list, setList] = useState([]);
const [load, setLoad] = useState(true);
async function loadList(){
if(list.length < 1){
let ref = await firebase.database().ref('usuarios');
const listener = await ref.on('value', (snapshot)=>{
let key = childItem.key;
let nome = snapshot.child(key).val().nome;
let idade = snapshot.child(key).val().idade;
list.push({ key, nome, idade });
return () => listener()
}, []);
return <ActivityIndicator size='large' color='#CCC'/>
return (
put a if(list.length < 1)
because the list when it was uploaded, it was loading duplicate, I don’t know why.