Anchor using Animate.scrollTop with custom height


Viewed 2,256 times


I need to edit the content anchor to a lower height than the content.

I’m using the js

                    return true

and when I click, I am directed to the content:

 <section class="text medium-12 medium-centered columns" id="white-felling">
bla bla bla

But I have a problem, because I use a header with fixed height, so when using the anchor the content is hidden.

How does it look: como fica

How it should look: como deveria ficar

jsfindle: Is there any way to keep the anchor function (with the link displaying and still edit the height for fewer pixels?

  • Can you do a jsfiddle with the problem or put the code in question here? Otherwise it is difficult to understand what might be failing

  • Sergio, this one:

1 answer


Yes, you need to do 2 things:

  1. Measure the header height
  2. Discount header height value to integer value passed to scrollTop

For (1), you can use Crome Dev Tools for Google Chrome, Firebug for Firefox or Internet Explorer Developer Tools, if you use IE.

Below is an example of how to do this in Chrome:

  • Press F12
  • Click on the magnifying glass, as in the image below:

Chrome Dev Tools

  • Move the image to the area of the element being measured (in your case, the header)
  • Note the height value (in the case of the above image, 208px)

Doing the (2), your code would look something like this:

        scrollTop: $("#white-felling").offset().top - <valor_altura_do_header>
    return true

Where <valor_altura_do_header> is the measured value using Dev Tools, in the case of the above image, would be 208.

  • André, thank you. I had tried to do it, I was putting: . top(-300)/ . top(-300px)/. top(top:-300) and it was always wrong. The correct was to remove the quotation marks. Thank you very much.

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