How to add a Library in the main module [ ]?


Viewed 229 times


I use the jssc package to access serial port. I added it to the main module

module DeskCheck {
  requires java.desktop;
  requires java.logging;
  requires jssc;

But I believe I’m doing it wrong, because there’s an error saying that module doesn’t exist.

Creating jlink image in dist\jimage/.
Executing: C:\Program Files\jdk-12.0.2\bin\jlink.exe --module-path dist\DeskCheck.jar;C:\Program Files\jdk-12.0.2\jmods --add-modules DeskCheck --output dist\jimage --compress=2
Error: Module jssc not found, required by DeskCheck

1 answer


You’re suffering from the automatic modules.

Automatic modules are named modules that are automatically created for a non-modular JAR. This happens when the JAR is placed in the module-path (dependency) on a modular application.

In other words: Non-modular JAR files become modular when used by a modular application.

Let’s say we have a modular application "app" who wants to use a non-modular JAR lib.jar (has not module-info). To rotate the main of app ( we will use the following command:

java --module-path appClasses lib --module app/

In command above, appClasses is the folder where app has its classes and lib is the folder where we have the JAR lib.jar.

Thus lib.jar (that’s in the folder lib) automatically becomes modular to app. This module has the same name as the JAR name (without the extension .jar; hyphens ("-") if it has, are replaced with dots ("." ); the version, if it has, is removed as well). The module app still have to requires the JAR module by its name.

Which packages the automatic modules exports?

Him exports all JAR packages.

What modules he requires?

Him requires all modules in the module-path.


This example will create 2 applications. The first application will represent a third-party library, and the second will be a modular application that will be using the first.

The non-modular library

// matematica-iz/src/matematica/iz/
package matematica.iz;

public class CalculoBasico {
  public static int soma(int a, int b) {
      return a + b;
C:\exemplo-modulo-automatico\matematica-iz> tree /F /A

Compiling the class:

C:\exemplo-modulo-automatico\matematica-iz> javac -d out src/matematica/iz/

Creating the JAR:

C:\exemplo-modulo-automatico> jar -cf matematica-iz.jar -C matematica-iz/out .

The modular application

package com.exemplo;

import matematica.iz.CalculoBasico;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
      int soma = CalculoBasico.soma(4, 7);
      System.out.println("O resultado da soma é: " + soma);
module {
 requires matematica.iz;

Note that the above application requires the JAR module (automatic) by its name, which will become matematica-iz.jar for matematica.iz

C:\exemplo-modulo-automatico\> tree /F /A

Moving matematica-iz.jar for the application of

C:\exemplo-modulo-automatico> mkdir\lib
C:\exemplo-modulo-automatico> move matematica-iz.jar\lib\
        1 arquivo(s) movido.

Now, here’s the structure of our directory

C:\exemplo-modulo-automatico> tree /F /A
|   |   
|   +---out
|   |   \---matematica
|   |       \---iz
|   |               CalculoBasico.class
|   |               
|   \---src
|       \---matematica
|           \---iz
    |       matematica-iz.jar

Compiling the application:

C:\exemplo-modulo-automatico\> javac --module-path lib -d out src/ src/com/exemplo/

Running the application

C:\exemplo-modulo-automatico\> java --module-path out lib --module
O resultado da soma é: 11

Using jdeps

C:\exemplo-modulo-automatico\> jdeps --module-path lib out -s --module -> matematica.iz -> java.base

In addition to this concept, we also have the nameless modules, but this I leave for you to research.

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