Component does not render again


Viewed 26 times


I have a component that your rendering should change based on @Input property..

    <p-button *ngIf="loading!=active"
     [label]="'enable - title'"
     [iconPos] ="iconPos"
     [style] ="style"
     [styleClass] = "styleClass"
     [disabled] = "disabled"
     (onFocus) = "handleButtonFocused($event)"
     (onBlur) = "handleButtonBlured($event)"
<p-button *ngIf="loading==active"
     [label]="'disable - title'"
     [iconPos] ="iconPos"
     [disabled] = "loading"
     [style] ="style"
     [styleClass] = "styleClass"   >

use loading to change icon and disable button (edited). the idea is that by clicking the button I change the behavior of the button (different icon and disabled Bt)

export class PureBtComponent implements OnInit {
 public active :string = 'activeLoading$!$@$@#%#¨$¨$&';
 @Input() loading : any = '';
  //ao clicar no botão
  @Output() onClick = new EventEmitter();

 uso o loading pra mudar o icone e desabilitar o botão (edited) 
  handleButtonClicked($event) {
    this.loading =;   

component call

   icon="pi pi-key"
   (onClick)="agendar($event)" >

scheduling method


    setTimeout(() => {
      this.loadingPureBT = '';
  }, 2000);


in the schedule method I change the loadingPureBT and this should change the rendering of the component, but nothing happens...

  • The function handleButtonClicked comes to execute?

1 answer


I found the answer for whoever’s interested. needs to return the variable to whom called through the output Decorator..

private _loading: boolean;
set loading(value: boolean) {
 this._loading = value;
get loading(): boolean {
return this._loading;
loadingChange: EventEmitter<boolean> = new EventEmitter<boolean>();

and in the template..

<p-button *ngIf="!loading">....</p-button>  <p-button *ngIf="loading">....</p-button>

that way the call from the button was like

  icon="pi pi-key"
  (onClick)="agendar($event)" >

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