I am making a code in php and I am having a problem, the buttons (which would be to delete and Abir a PDF file) are doing the same function as the form Input, I would like to know how I could solve this.
<?php while($dados = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultado_usuarios)) {?>
<form action="editar.php" method="post">
<div class="alunos">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value='<?php echo $dados['id'] ?>'> <br>
<h5> <b> Aluno: </b> <?php echo $dados["nome"] ?> <br>
<b> Turma: </b> <?php echo $dados["turma"] ?>
<b> Número: </b> <?php echo $dados["numero"] ?> <br> <br>
<!-- editar dados -->
<input type="submit" value="Editar" class="editar">
<!-- Boletim -->
<a href="../_boletim/<?php echo $dados['caminho'] ?>.pdf" style="text-decoration: none;">
<button class="boletimBtn"> Boletim </button>
<!-- apagar dados -->
<?php echo "<a href='excluir.php?id=". $dados['id'] ." data-confirm='#confirm-delete' '> <button class='apagar'> Apagar </button> </a>" ?>
<hr style='width: 100%'>
<?php } ?>
The code worked, thank you very much!
– Caio Pereira
mark as solved rsss
– Jasar Orion