How to convert an array to hash?


Viewed 223 times


I possess the following return:


Is a hash within a array. I’d like to know how I take that Hash from within the array?

He’s the return of a consultation like this:

Promotions.no_tab_fields(, product.class).map do |custom_field|
  campo = { custom_field.hash_field => product.custom_columns[custom_field.hash_field] }

My question is to get inside the array.

I’ve tried to:

  • to_h
  • Hash(field) //field is the array that has the hash inside

2 answers


The return of a #map is an array. The structure you have is a hash array.

Just access with the index:

resultados = [{"eh5g4vs84ah84gsdf4a8va"=>"information"}]
#=> {"eh5g4vs84ah84gsdf4a8va"=>"information"}

Or if you want to turn this array into a single hash, you can use Hash#merge. Just be careful that the keys of the different hashes do not conflict:

[{ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }, { c: 3 }].reduce(:merge)
#=> {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3}




hash_dentro_array, restante = *[{"eh5g4vs84ah84gsdf4a8va"=>"information"}]

Basically, you’re just taking the value at index 0 of the array, which is a hash. You would do the same if it were any type of value (integer, string, object, etc)

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