How to prevent Hibernate from creating columns from the fields of an abstract mother class


Viewed 82 times


I have an abstract class Pessoas with methods getters and setters and a concrete class that inherits from Pessoas (members). By mapping the concrete class as Entity and its fields, it is creating the columns that refer to the abstract class Pessoas in the database. How to fix this? I already have a specific table for people and need another one specific for members.

Abstract class:

public abstract class Pessoas {

protected String nome;

protected String identidade;

protected String cpf;

protected String data_cadastro;

protected String naturalidade;

protected String nacionalidade;

protected String dataNascimento;

protected String sexo;

@Column(name = "estado_civil")
protected String estadoCivil;

protected String conjuge;

@Column(name = "data_casamento")
protected String dataCasamento;

protected String escolaridade;

@Column(name = "nome_pai")
protected String nomePai;

@Column(name = "nome_mae")
protected String nomeMae;

@Column(name = "data_batismo")
protected String dataBatismo;

protected String situacao;

protected String endereco;

protected String numero;

protected String bairro;

protected String cidadeEndereco;

protected String estadoEndereco;

protected String celular;

protected String telefone;

protected String email;

//Getter e Setters

Concrete class:

@Table(name = "tbl_pessoas")
public class PessoasModel extends Pessoas {

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "id")
private int id_pessoa;

public int getId_pessoa() {
    return id_pessoa;

public void setId_pessoa(int id_pessoa) {
    this.id_pessoa = id_pessoa;

1 answer


You can make use of the @Inheritance annotation in your superclass.


import javax.persistence.Inheritance;
import javax.persistence.InheritanceType;

@Table(name = "PESSOA")
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) 
public abstract class Pessoa {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;

@Table(name = "MEMBRO")
public class Membro extends Pessoa{

In this case you have a table for Person, only with the attribute fields defined in the class itself ,and a table for Member, only with the attributes defined in the class idem itself. These will be joined by the id defined in the person class (JOINED).

You can explore the other two Enum## Inheritance Type headers to solve other cases you need:

public enum InheritanceType { 

    /** A single table per class hierarchy. */

    /** A table per concrete entity class. */

     * A strategy in which fields that are specific to a 
     * subclass are mapped to a separate table than the fields 
     * that are common to the parent class, and a join is 
     * performed to instantiate the subclass.

Reference Baeldung

  • 1

    Thanks man... I’ll give a study

  • Test with the first example in your application and put here the doubts.

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