In case the background-image property could only have a single value.
background-image: url("imagem/img1.jpg");
And if in case you wanted to put background-repeat: no-repeat
for the image not to repeat? easy add property.
background-image: url("imagem/img1.jpg");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
And for the image to stay fixed and change the position? obviously add the properties.
background-image: url("imagem/img1.jpg");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-position: 50% 50%;
What if my image has a transparent background and I wanted to add a background color? it’s the last time! add the property.
background-color: rgb(140, 50, 190);
background-image: url("imagem/img1.jpg");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-position: 50% 50%;
You, uh, notice anything about the last bit of code? here if you wanted to change the color, image, not repeat, fix and position you would have to set 5 properties and this leaves your code CSS
very large and for that has the property background
, which is a shorthand property or is an abbreviated property with it you define the 5 properties as I quoted in the code above in only one property.
background: rgb(140, 50, 190) url("imagem/img1.jpg") no-repeat fixed 50% 50%;
It seems kind of complicated but no, just follow this order regardless if one of the values is missing.
Along you go deeper into the CSS
you will see that there are other properties of shorthand (abbreviated) and I bet you have already made use of some.
is a more comprehensive property, the other is specific...– MagicHat