Import events in Google JSON format


Viewed 549 times


I want to import events from a non-public server-side Google Calendar (PHP) in JSON format.

Since I only want to receive information and do not need to edit/create events I assume there is a way that does not need authentication.

I know it is possible via iCal to download a file with calendar data with syntax:{ID}/public/basic.ics, and that works in my case.

However I wanted to get the same but in JSON format and via PHP. Any suggestions?

  • Please could provide a {ID} so I can test?

  • @Pauloroberto: o link to iCal with a id in the url according to the syntax described above

2 answers


You just need to tell Google Calendar that you want a JSON, passing it as a parameter, and to rescue JSON, use the function file_get_contents() of PHP.

$json = file_get_contents('[email protected]/public/full?alt=json');  
echo $json;

Note that you are using the same {ID} used to fetch the ICS, but you are now ordering a JSON.

You can get specific and detailed information from Google Developers about using JSON to rescue information Here.


There are many components ready to extract calendar information in ICS format.

Try for example this class PHP iCal Parser. Note, I moderate this site, but I did not develop this class.

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