I am consuming the Wirecard API to perform an integration, the moment I try to return all the cards that are registered to a client, I can get them only in the console.log menu, when I try to go through this array and show your data in my html, Just nothing comes up. I’d like your help to see what I’m missing.
this.pacientesSubscription = this.pacienteProvider.buscarPacientes().subscribe(result => {
result.filter(data => {
if (data.uidUsuario == this.usuarioLogadoUid) {
this.paciente = data;
this.idUsuario = data.idMoip; //Id do usuário na plataforma moip
this.moip.customer.getOne(data.idMoip) //Vou na api da moip e retorno o cliente que possui este id
.then((response => {
this.qtdCartoes = response.body.fundingInstruments.length;
this.formasPagamento = response.body.fundingInstruments; //Retorna todas as formas de pagamento (debito, credito, etc...)
let cartoesDeCredito: Array<any> = [];
cartoesDeCredito = this.formasPagamento.filter(result => {
return result.method == 'CREDIT_CARD'; //Filtro apenas os cartões de crédito
this.cartoesCredito = cartoesDeCredito.map(data => {
return data.creditCard; //Mapeio o array de cartões de crédito e crio um array de objetos
console.log(this.cartoesCredito); //Aqui me retorna normalmente o array de objetos (no caso cartões)
})).catch((err) => {
The return of my console.log is as follows:
My html is as follows:
<ion-content padding>
<ion-item *ngFor="let teste of cartoesCredito">{{teste}}</ion-item>
<div class="sem-cartao" *ngIf="qtdCartoes == 0">
<img src="../../assets/icons/credit-card.svg" class="imagem-sem-cartao"
<p style="white-space: pre-line; font-size: 1.4rem;">
Nenhuma forma de pagamento cadastrada, clique abaixo para cadastrar uma
forma de pagamento e utilizar os nossos
Have you tried putting the result in the view, as text, only for debug: {{ cartoesCredito | json}}
– cezar
Looking further, maybe your var test should look like this: {{ test.Brand }}
– cezar
If I do {{cartoesCredito | json}} returns only this [].
– Diego Estacho
And even putting the test.Rand still does not appear anything
– Diego Estacho
strange, can provide a little more information of its class?
– cezar
Put the whole component class
– Costamilam
People, strangely now appeared. I honestly do not know what it was, because it is the code that I usually use in all projects. But I really appreciate your help and your time to respond.
– Diego Estacho