How to obtain the name of the protected properties of an object without the asterisks?


Viewed 24 times


It is possible to obtain only the name of the protected properties of an object without the asterisk symbol (*).

class Person {
    protected $name;
    protected $age;

$person = new Person();

print_r(array_keys((array) $person)); //Array ( [0] => *name [1] => *age )

The goal would be Array ( [0] => name [1] => age ).

Is there a PHP function for this?

1 answer


Since the idea is to inspect an object, do it correctly with the classes of Reflection:

$reflect = new ReflectionObject($person);
$protected = $reflect->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED);


The method getProperties will return the properties of the object and, as defined the parameter ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED, will return only those who are protected.

The way out:

    [0] => ReflectionProperty Object
            [name] => name
            [class] => Person

    [1] => ReflectionProperty Object
            [name] => age
            [class] => Person


If you just want the list of property names:

array_column($protected, 'name')

What would return:

    [0] => name
    [1] => age

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