Problem With Git


Viewed 47 times


I have a problem with Github,

my project is in Laravel,

I create the repository do the sending (I can see that git picked up the modifications inside the files) but when I upload to github the files are not changed when I download the files on another pc via git pull the files that are received are not a mirror of what is on the other pc.

That would be because of the Laravel ?

I’ve used git for pure php and it’s bugging me, I’m sure I’m the one who doesn’t know how to use it but someone could give me a help or indicate a way to configure the repository or the git itself so I can upload the files so I can work in a good way, currently I have to keep transferring the project by flash drive to get updated.

  • post the result of git status in the folder where your git repository is and also in your file .gitignore (if there is one in the project)

1 answer


There may be some conflict between the versions. Use git status to check if you have any information, because depending on the case it does not let you make changes to the repository.

In another case if necessary use the git clone again in a new directory and tests to see if the problem persists.

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