How to extract a word from a PHP URL


Viewed 1,232 times


In these examples below: - take out the Virtua take out Brasiltelecom
+ adsl.gvt. - take the gvt

I’ve tried to:

$texto = "";  
echo substr($texto,-10);   

But then it counts the word and is missing depending on the size of the host that writes to the BD.

  • 2

    You always want to take the domain name out, is that it? Do you have a fixed list of hosts? You have a list of TLD scopes, that is, it’s always

3 answers


If you want the penultimate chunk of the URL:

This solution works with all the examples given in the question:

$pedacos = explode('.',$texto);
echo $pedacos[count($pedacos)-2];


$texto = "";  
$texto = "";
$texto = "";



The problem of using fixed position:

If you have addresses with different suffixes in the list, predetermined positions can give problem, as in the following examples:

$texto = "";
$texto = "";  
$texto = "";  


virtua       Até aqui tudo bem...
www          ... mas neste caso teria que ser "usp"...
66-97-12-89  ... e neste teria que ser datalink !

To solve the problem follows the ...:

Solution for addresses with multiple suffixes:

To resolve what is suffix and what is the domain name itself, you will need a system with an "official" suffix list to query what can and cannot be removed from the end of the URL.

Mozilla provides a list of suffixes in

This function solves the problem well, if suffixes of interest are applied:

function NomeDoDominio( $dominio ) {
    // o array precisa estar ordenado dos maiores para os menores
    $sufixos = array( '', '', '', '.com', '.br' );
    foreach( $sufixos as $sufixo ) {
       if( $sufixo == substr( $dominio , -strlen( $sufixo ) ) ) {
          $dominio = substr( $dominio , 0, -strlen( $sufixo ) );
    return substr( strrchr( '.'.$dominio, '.'), 1);

See working on IDEONE.

Note: in the case of Brazil, for example, an address may be, to further complicate the situation.

  • I think it doesn’t have to be that complex.

  • Which of the three solutions I gave you are saying? (I imagine the 3rd, of course.) I based on what you have in question, maybe if it complements with more details can optimize.

  • The latter, mainly, would be simpler to do the explode for an array. then remove the word he wants. so it gets more generic.

  • I believe he wants to extract, not remove, but in fact it is an assumption. There is a certain ambiguity in the statement.


According to your question, whatever the URL is, there is a consistency that is getting the third word cut from the end:

│ Endereço URL                                    │ Valor a obter │
│                         │ virtua        │
│ │ brasiltelecom │
│ + adsl.gvt.       │ gvt           │


For that specific purpose you can:

$valor = array_reverse(explode(".", $url))[2];
  1. We’re doing the conversion of string $url for a array leaving the same by the character . using the function explode().
  2. The output is sent to the function array_reverse() that will reverse the array.
  3. Finally we limit the result to index 2 which corresponds to the third position.


In this example for the three Urls that are also on Ideone, we made a function with the code above where it receives the string and the position to be returned:

function recolher($url="", $pos=2) {
    return array_reverse(explode(".", $url))[$pos];

echo recolher("").PHP_EOL;                         // virtua

echo recolher("").PHP_EOL; // brasiltelecom

echo recolher("+ adsl.gvt.").PHP_EOL;       // gvt

To be even more flexible, we can pass the separation character as a function parameter.


Well, come on, that’s a generic function to solve the problem.

$text is the text from which you want to remove the word;

$word is the word that will be removed;

$Pattern is the separator that will be used (In the case of past examples, is the '.')

function remove($texto, $palavra, $pattern){
    $txt = explode($pattern, $texto); //Transformamos em array
    $id = array_search($palavra, $txt); //Buscamos o índice do array que contém aquela palavra 
    unset($txt[$id]); //Removemos o índice
    $texto = implode($pattern, $txt); //Transformamos o array em uma string novamente.
    return $texto;

Detail that this function will only remove the FIRST occurrence of the word.

If you have something like + gvt.adsl.gvt. It only removes the first gvt

Link to the documentation:

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