Change HTML during AJAX request


Viewed 192 times


Hello, I am trying to change a text on my web page to follow in real time some insertion in the database, I am using synchronous AJAX to make the requests, but HTML does not change.


result.forEach(function (value) {
        url: Config.path+"/admin/sensor/?machineId=" + machineId,
        type: "POST",
        contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
        dataType: 'json',
        async: false,
        data: JSON.stringify({, collectType:value.collectType, nameAddress:value.nameAddress, ihmOperator:value.ihmOperator, dataType: value.dataType,
                                monitoring: value.monitoring, analytics:, setpoint: value.setpoint, notification: value.notification,
                                class_type:value.class_type, range:value.range, charbehauvior:value.charbehauvior, observations:value.observations, showSensor:value.showSensor}),
        success : function(data, success, response){
                case 200:


<div class="modal-footer">
     <p id="sensorName" style="text-align: left;" class="hidden"></p>

"console.log(data)", just below the command to change the HTML, works, prints what I want on the console. Can anyone help me? Thanks.

  • Then use $('#sensorName'). text(data), just be careful because the callback Success "date" parameter is usually an Array. If a password is an array with its date variable of the callback.

  • But if I put console.log(, it prints on the console as expected, I think this problem has something to do with AJAX being synchronous, because it only prints the last record being inserted, but I need it to be synchronous.

  • The "date" variable when you give a console.log(data), does it have the values you want ? Do you want to put only 1 value in the variable or put all values that come from the date variable on the screen? try to be clearer so I can help you.

  • I’m just trying to put the date name variable, which is the same thing as When I give the console.log(data) it prints the correct values, and when I print console.log( as well. 'data' and 'value' are equal.

  • Put an image of your.log(data) console to see what’s on it. So you have to put all the values of the Array data in a string and show in the variable "sensorName" is this ?

  • No, inside the data array, it has the name variable, it’s what I’m trying to put. The The value I put there is equal to date, data = value and =

  • I think your value may be being overwritten after all you are inside a foreach, and the answers given should help, can you put a photo of the log ? or something like that to see if you can help .

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2 answers


You can use the append instead of text, so it will include in html that has the desired id.


$('#sensorName').append('AQUI ENTRA O HTML QUE DESEJA');

This html can be a <label>COM_SEU_TEXTO</label> or anything else, up to a <div> inteitra.

  • It did not work, it gave the same problem that I commented there above, it changes the text only in the last element that was inserted.

  • Strange, because the append should not change anything, just include, you can show me how the function with the append ?


Try to take out the Hidden class

 <div class="modal-footer">
 <p id="sensorName" style="text-align: left;"></p>
  • That’s not the problem, I remove this class when I press the button to start inserting. $('#sensorName'). removeClass('Hidden');

  • the field is in a modal?

  • It’s in a modal yes

  • tries to add out of modal to see if it will work, because the code to change the text is right, must have something cluttering

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