Problem with the Tomcat!


Viewed 127 times



I’m trying to activate apache Tomcat v7.0 in eclipse, but when I activate it this error happens:

"-Djava.endorsed.dirs= apache-Tomcat-7.0.94 endorsed is not supported. Endorsed standards and standalone Apis in modular form will be supported via the Concept of Upgradeable modules."

How do I solve this problem?

I even thought about putting Tomcat 8.5, but in my eclipse only appears until version 8.0 of apache and does not want to accept the 8.5.

1 answer



If you’re using Java 10 to run Eclipse, I recommend downgrade to version 8.

Some problems I had seen regarding the incompatibility of Tomcat with Eclipse (for example in this topic here, many problems are being caused because they are running with the very recent version of Java/JDK, which has several changes compared to the previous ones.

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