What are braces {} in an SQL string for?


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What are braces for {} in the following SQL string used in PHP for Mysql?

$sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} ({$fields}) VALUES ({$placeholders})"
  • 3


  • In your case it will replace the keys and what is inside them with the value of the variable. If it did not have the keys it would interpret $fields as a simple string.

3 answers


Keys {} followed by a dollar $ indicate that the complex syntax string interpolation is being used, it serves to invoke methods of an object. It also serves to display the value of a variable (somewhat exaggerated or necessary in a very particular case) this is only valid within double quotes. Static members NAY can be invoked inside double quotes in this case it is mandatory to concatenate the strings

class Pessoa {
    const FOO = 'algum valor';

    public $nome = 'mario';
    public $idade = '20';
    public static $planeta = 'terra';

    public function getNumeroAleatorioDaSorte(){
        return 6;

$pessoa = new Pessoa();

//exemplos validos:
echo "{$pessoa->getNumeroAleatorioDaSorte()} <br>";
echo "{$pessoa->nome} <br>";
echo "$pessoa->nome <br>";

//exemplos invalidos
echo "$pessoa->getNumeroAleatorioDaSorte()";
//notice: Undefined property Pessoa::$getNumeroAleatorioDaSorte

echo "Pessoa::$planeta";//notice: Undefined variable: planeta e imprime Planeta::
echo "{Pessoa::$planeta}";//notice: Undefined variable: planeta e imprime {Pessoa::}

echo "Pessoa::FOO";//imprime Pessoa::FOO
echo "{Pessoa::FOO}";//imprime {Pessoa::FOO}



Using double-quoted keys allows calling methods to generate a value to be concatenated into the string.

It is valid to remember that it will work only with double quotes.

In this your example you could quietly remove the keys ({}).


What are braces {} in the following SQL string used in PHP for Mysql?

In this case for nothing. PHP will interpret the keys and return you something like this:

$tabela = 'user';
$fields = 'nome,email';
$placeholders = "'Jorge','[email protected]'";
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} ({$fields}) VALUES ({$placeholders})"

echo $sql; // INSERT INTO user (nome,email) VALUES ('Jorge','[email protected]')

Not going too deep, it might be more interesting to use Prepared statments and have darlings specific per table instead of a string generic susceptible to SQL Injection.

When PHP finds a $ in a string in double quotes " or Heredocs, it will try to interpret the value of the variable.

Because it is a string, we can have characters that blend with the name of our variables or we want to concatenate in the string a more complex structure, such as the so-called method of an object or a array for example.

That’s where the keys come in (or braces) {}. Next to the dollar sign $ they act as an extra delimiter, enabling the use of simple or complex expressions.

Simple Expressions

When we wish to display a position of array or an object property for example, or even a simple variable where the continuation of text influences the variable that is called.


$cerveja = 'Heineken';

// funciona, "'" é um caractere inválido para nome de variáveis
echo "O sabor das '$cerveja's é ótimo"; 

// não funciona, 's' é um caractere válido para nome de variáveis
// e o php procurará a variável $cervejas
echo "Ele bebeu algumas $cervejas";

echo "Ele bebeu algumas ${cerveja}s";   // funciona
echo "Ele bebeu algumas {$cerveja}s";   // funciona

$fruits = ['morango' => 'vermelho', 'banana' => 'amarelo'];

// Funciona
echo "A banana é {$fruits['banana']}.";

// Funciona, mas o PHP procura por uma constante chamada 'banana' antes,
// gerando um Notice no seu código.
echo "A banana é {$fruits[banana]}."

$obj = new stdClass();
$obj->property = 'molezinha';

echo "Strings em php é {$obj->property}";

Some of these expressions also work if keys are omitted, for example $obj->property, but the use of the keys gives us more control to display exactly what we want.

Complicated Expressions

Key syntax also works with complex expressions, such as multi-dimensional vectors, called methods, functions, or variable variables.



echo "Isto funciona: {$arr['foo'][3]}";
echo "Isto funciona também {$obj->values[3]->name}";    
echo "Este é o valor da variável chamada \$name: {${$name}}";    
echo "Este é o valor da variável usando o valor retornado da getName(): {${getName()}}";    
echo "Este é o valor da variável 
usando o valor retornado da \$object->getName(): {${$object>getName()}}";

$Bar = "a";
$Foo = "Bar";
$World = "Foo";
$Hello = "World";
$a = "Hello";

echo $a;           //Rertorna Hello
echo "$$a";        //Rertorna World
echo "${$$a}";     //Rertorna Foo     - Mais de um nível de variável variável
echo "${$$$a}";    //Rertorna Bar     - precisamos das chaves
echo "${$$$$a}";   //Rertorna a

Personally, I always try to include the keys when I will directly display complex structures in PHP.

When I use simple variables, case the string does not collide with valid variable names, I simply omit keys {}.

Examples inspired by PHP documentation

  • Variable variables? What does that mean? Or are they variables (vary in value) or constants (keep the value)

  • 2

    @Jorgeb. php allows the content of a variable to invoke another variable in its code, thus creating a variable that is variable, i.e., that depends on the value of another variable. Follows a example.

  • 1

    @gmsantos congratulations. I would curl up to explain what is variable

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