My question is this, I have a table in the bank with the following specifications.
ID | Produto | Qtdade | valor unitário de venda
1 | ABC | 5000 | 10
2 | ABC | 2000 | 9.5
3 | ABC | 3000 | 11
From this table I need to make a sale, in which I always have to take the first, when finish the amount of the first dai caught the next. So let’s assume that the sale I’m going to make is 8000 units, I have to list the order as follows:
ABC | 5000 | 50000
ABC | 2000 | 19000
ABC | 1000 | 11000
Can someone suggest me a way to do this?
part of the code
$pedido = 8000; // (veio da quantidade da tabela de pedido)
$sql_pedido = 'SELECT * FROM estoque';
$busca_pedido = mysqli_query($mysqli,$sql_pedido);
while ($linha_pedido = mysqli_fetch_object($busca_pedido)) {
if ($pedido > 0) {
$quant = $linha_pedido->quantidade;
$valor = $linha_pedido->valorUnit;
$pedido = $pedido - $linha_pedido->quantidade;
$total = $quant*$valor;
echo "$quant - R$ $valor ... Total em R$ $total<br>";
I’m kind of a layman, I’m learning php, but how would I handle this issue in php? in the download this partial values?
– Murilo Albeest