How to import files from node_modules / folder into my view files?


Viewed 282 times


I’m trying to learn some new technologies, so I decided to try npm, downloaded these packages (jquery and jquery-validation) using npm and now I’m trying to import these packages to my view file but can’t access any outside the public folder.

I have tried to import directly from the folder but it is not possible

<script src="../node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>

Should be using some other component I don’t know or is there any way to make my packages node_modules/ accessible?

Here is my structure folder and some important files:

  • myproject
    • App
      • Controllers
      • Models
      • Views
        • Signup
          • new html.
        • html base.
    • Core
    • node_modules
      • jquery
      • jquery-validation
    • public
      • index.php(Front Controller)
    • etc....

Base.html (I am using Twig as template engine)

    <a href="/">Home</a>

{% block body %} 
{% endblock %}

<script src="../node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>

index php.

 * Front Controller

  * Composer
require '../vendor/autoload.php';

 * Error and Exception handling

  * Routing
$router = new Core\Router();

// Add the routes
$router->add('', ['controller' => 'Home', 'action' => 'index']);
//$router->add('admin/{controller}/{action}', ['namespace' => 'Admin']);


1 answer


Hello, I imagine it is not possible to use directly from the node_modules folder because it is not public for security reasons.

1 Solution is to use the webpack and compile in conjunction with your app.js(main script). 2 Solution Move the desired folder to the public folder (create an Assets folder to keep it organized).

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