Filter information for the current day


Viewed 272 times


I have the following variable in my View:

    ->where('base', $linha->sigla)
    ->where('created_at', date('Y-m-d'))

and I want to filter the results of today, I realized that the problem is in the filter I am only filtering the date of today date('Y-m-d') and in the created_at is 2019-05-05 13:17:08, how do I ignore the time created_at and filter by date only?

2 answers


In Eloquent there is the method whereDate which will consider only the date of the respective column:

    ->whereDate('created_at', date('Y-m-d'));

As it has whereMonth, for just the month, whereDay, just for the day, whereYear, only for the year, and whereTime, only for the time.

  • Thank you worked perfectly !


Hello, good afternoon,

You can use Carbon, which by default is already built into the Windows, or you can use strtotime.

STRTOME is most recommended for something as simple as this.

$data = Auth::user()->LogsSearch()
->where('base', $linha->sigla)->where('created_at', date('Y-m-d'))->count()
$time = strtotime($data);

Now you can test in your view, just pass the variable to see the magic happen. Now if you want to use Carbon, you can simply use the following code:

$data = Auth::user()->LogsSearch()
->where('base', $linha->sigla)->where('created_at', date('Y-m-d'))->count()
$time = strtotime($data);
$minhaData = Carbon::createFromDate($data);

Don’t forget to import your Carbon.

  • 1

    What changes in the clause where when using the function strtotime or Carbon? Mainly because in both examples you kept the value of date within the where.

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