I’m using ldap with NTLM to make SSO "LOGON UNICO" but I’m having a hard time, LDAP_BIND does not accept the hashed password I receive from the browser,
my class working with NTLM has the following variables:
$auth = getAuth(); //RETORNA O NTLM TRABALHADO
//$auth['user'] = $user;
//$auth['domain'] = $domain;
//$auth['workstation'] = $workstation;
//$auth['clientblob'] = $clientblob;
//$auth['clientblobhash'] = $clientblobhash;
$con = ldap_connect('meudominio.com');
ldap_set_option($con, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
ldap_set_option($con, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);
ldap_bind($con, 'dominio\user', $auth['clientblob']);
ERROR> Warning: ldap_bind() [Function.ldap-bind]: Unable to bind to server: Invalid credentials in... Note: LDAP_BIND works only if I use the password string;
The password you pass to the
has to be in Plain text. At least all the places I implemented this type of authentication, I had to do in Plain text.– Vinícius Gobbo A. de Oliveira
The password that NTLM sends is not plain text... The ntlm that encrypts the password ? or it sends the already encrypted password ? I have this question also. If it is encrypted by NTLM2 how to decrypt ? .
– Lucas Duca