How popular a select


Viewed 107 times


I’d like to know how popular a select html with jquery, because I need to pull from the database, however, my file is . html and I am working with routes so have the views that are the files . html and routes.

This is the View

<div class="container">
	<div class="row">
        <form action="" method="post">
            <div class="form-row align-items-center">
                <div class="search-products">
                  <h1 class="title-products">Escolha sua Peça:</h1>
                    <select name="desmarca" id="desmarca" class="input-text" required="required">
                        <option disabled="disabled" selected="selected" value="">Marca</option>
                        <option value="{$value}">{$value.desmarca}</option>

                <button class="buscar-produtos" type="submit">Buscar</button>

Here is the PHP class


namespace Hcode\Model;

use \Hcode\DB\Sql;
use \Hcode\Model;
use \Hcode\Mailer;

class Marcas extends Model {

	public static function listAll()

		$sql = new Sql();

		return $sql->select("SELECT * FROM tb_marcas ORDER BY desmarca");


	public static function checkList($list)

		foreach ($list as &$row) {
			$m = new Marcas();
			$m = $m->getValues();


		return $list;

	public function save()
		$sql = new Sql();

		$results = $sql->select("CALL sp_marcas_save(:idmarca, :desmarca)", array(


	public function get($idmarcas)

		$sql = new Sql();

		$results = $sql->select("SELECT * FROM tb_marcas WHERE idmarca = :idmarca", [





And here is the route

$app->get('/products', function(){
	$page = new Page();
    $marca = Marcas::listAll();

		$page->setTpl("products", [

1 answer


Hello, Deni.

Try this in html file:

<select name="desmarca" id="desmarca" class="input-text" required="required">
     <option disabled="disabled" selected="selected" value="">Marca</option>
          <option value="{$value.idmarca}">{$value.desmarca}</option>
  • Thanks man, I already got it, now I’m with another problem kkk I’ll edit my post and if you can help me thank you

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