JDK Java EE 7 without Glassfish


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I am trying to install JDK from Java Enterprise Edition and would like to know if you have any installation option without Glassfish 4, I want to use Tomcat and not Glassfish, so is there any way to install without, or just remove Glassfish? Either he won’t make a difference or he won’t influence Tomcat?

2 answers


From what I read in the downloads page Java EE 7 SDK is already included with the GlassFish but, this should not be a concern for you, since the choice of the server to be used is made at the time of creation of the project. You just have to choose the Tomcat in the list of options.

  • They use the same port, I left the default port and both are using the 8080, but in the project I created the server with Tomcat and ended the glassfish process. I think this is the only solution. I don’t think pda uninstall only glassfish.


Notwithstanding the installation of Glassfish occur at the time you install the Javaee JDK you can use any other Application Server (or Container) without interference between them, as long as you ensure that do not attempt to use the same connection port(as far as I know, by default they’re already different).

You can uninstall the Glassfish like any other application without problems and there will be no problem at all, and make install it like any other application.

  • But how to uninstall only it? Because when I uninstall it, uninstall jdk7 as well.

  • I miss that! Which OS do you use? If it is the windows, there in the control panel -> Install/Uninstall Programs, and look for Glassfish. How to uninstall?

  • I use Windows, and the control panel does not show Glassfish, and the strange thing is that java is still installed in c: Glassfish4

  • Did you download the Oracle website? http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javaee/downloads/index.html

  • Yes, in this very link.

  • First you downloaded Java EE and then Glassfish?

  • No no, when you download java_ee_sdk-7u1.zip, Glassfish already comes to it.

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