Modal view with mysql database list


Viewed 28 times


Hello, I have a database that is being displayed in a list on my site but I want to put a button to open a modal and display the information of each db line but whenever I open the modal it only displays the last line of records.

The code used to

while ($row_produto = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_produtos)) {
            # code...
                echo "<section>"
             . "<span>Tema : " . $row_produto['tema'] . "</span><br>"
             . "<span>ID : " . $row_produto['id_nec'] . "</span>"
             . "<div class='div_pai-btn'>"
             . "<input class='btn_edit-prod btn_prod' type='button' value='Editar Produto'>"
             . "<input class='btn_add-prod btn_prod' type='button' value='Adicionar Imagem'>"
             . "<input class='btn_exc-prod btn_prod' type='button' value='Excluir Produto'>"
             . "</div>"
             . "<div class = 'cont_img-prod'>"
             . " <img src = 'upload/" .$row_produto['id_nec'] . "/" .$row_produto['imagem'] ."'>"
             . " </div>"
             . " </section>"
             . " <hr>"
             .  "<div class='edit_modal'>
                     <span>Tema : " . $row_produto['tema'] . "</span>

I appreciate the help from now on.

  • It has crossed your mind that the recommended use of ajax?

1 answer


You need to use javascript and ajax, pass the id of the array you want to search in the modal onclick, make a request via ajax and display the data in the modal. Modal also needs an id.

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