Function returns value only the first time it is executed


Viewed 62 times


This is my code:

import conector_modbus as conector_modbus
import leitor_csv as leitor_csv

address_file = 'address.csv'
dados = leitor_csv.leitor(address_file,"dicionario")

def coletar_dados():
    for dado in dados:
        if dado['var'] == "int":
            dado['valor'] = conector_modbus.ler_dado(int(dado['reg']),"int")
            yield dado
        if dado['var'] == "float":
            dado['valor'] = conector_modbus.ler_dado(int(dado['reg']),"float")
            yield dado

def preparar_dados(dados_modbus,maquina,num):
    registradores = {}
    for dado in dados_modbus:
        if dado['maquina'] == maquina and dado['num'] == num:
    return registradores

if conector_modbus.status_modbus("",502) == True:
    dados_modbus = coletar_dados()
    dados_br1 = preparar_dados(dados_modbus,"br","1")

    dados_br1 = preparar_dados(dados_modbus,"br","1")

And this is the result:

root@jonatas-A530:/media/jonatas/Documentos/Projetos/orange_modbus# python3
{'producao_ton': 1056.0025634765625, 'fluxo_ton_h': 0, 'corrente_amp': 32767, 'horimetro_h': 1064.68994140625, 'tempo_sob_carga_h': 4.1541666984558105, 'tempo_ocioso_h': 0.466552734375}

The function was called 2 times, but in the second it does not return value. I would like to understand why this occurs.

3 answers


Its function coletar_dados() is a generator, that is, after all the data has been consumed its purpose has been fulfilled.

To use it again you need another instance of Generator.

In your case just create a Generator new before using it again.

if conector_modbus.status_modbus("",502) == True:
    dados_modbus = coletar_dados()
    dados_br1 = preparar_dados(dados_modbus,"br","1")

    dados_modbus = coletar_dados()  # criando outro generator
    dados_br1 = preparar_dados(dados_modbus,"br","1")
  • Hello Fernando, I called again the function collectar_data() according to your tip, but I keep getting the same result, I may be missing something else?

  • Probably his leitor_csv is also a Generator and needs to be started again. As I do not know the code of this module I can not be sure, but it is most likely.

  • There is no way to "reset" Generator?

  • Just call leitor_csv.leitor(address_file,"dicionario") again.


Jonp, tries to make a loop in his function to collect data, because in it you, make a Yield in data, it is with Yield your function becomes interable, having the need to interact in it to obtain the data. Try this:

if conector_modbus.status_modbus("",502) == True:
    dados_modbus = [ dados for dados in coletar_dados()]
    dados_br1 = preparar_dados(dados_modbus,"br","1")

    dados_br1 = preparar_dados(dados_modbus,"br","1")
  • This would be the same as: data_modbus = list(collect_data())?

  • Yes I would do the same.

  • Only to log that when converting a Generator for a list, you are loading all the content in memory. If coletar_dados() return 10GB of data, you will be putting everything in memory, and killing the purpose of using generators.


Performing a survey I found the following link

One of the answers was the following:

  • Store Generator results in a data structure in memory or disk that you can iterate again:

    dados_modbus = list(coletar_dados())
    for dado in dados_modbus: print(dado)
    for dado in dados_modbus: print(dado)`

I will use this solution, although the other previous suggestions are correct as well.

  • Only to log that when converting a Generator for a list, you are loading all the content in memory. If coletar_dados() return 10GB of data, you will be putting everything in memory, and killing the purpose of using generators.

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