Below I have a call from a include to an "Alert", I wonder if it is possible within the message variable not to pass pure HTML () and yes a call #[Strong Well done! ] which is most common within the Jade processor.
- var type = 'success'
- var message = '<strong>Bem feito!</strong> Você lê com sucesso esta mensagem de alerta importante.'
div(class='alert alert-#{type} alert-dismissible', role='alert')
button.close(type='button', data-dismiss='alert')
span(aria-hidden='true') ×
span.sr-only Fechar
!= message
That’s not exactly what I need, but it’s a solution. Thank you!
– Bruno Wego
@Brunobatist can/wants to ask a new question specifying better what you are looking for?
– Sergio
You don’t need @Sergio if you can find the solution that I want to put here, but at the moment this solution saves me. Thank you.
– Bruno Wego