How to block Numberbox or Textbox characters


Viewed 132 times


I have a form from DevExtreme and in this form I have a NumberBox which is from a telephone field, but this field accepts only números (obvious), . and ,, but the phone, it could be like (xxx)xxxxx-xxxx accepting only hyphen, parentheses and number, but my field does not allow me to do this, my phone field is of type string then I can change from NumberBox for TextBox, but with TextBox I need to limit to accept only números, hífens e parênteses, I know I can use the onkeypress which calls a function in Javascript, but I don’t know how to create this function, how can I do this?

I’m not gonna post all the code 'cause it’s really big .

groupItems.AddSimpleFor(m => m.Bcx_telefone).CssClass("agTel")
.Editor(e => e.NumberBox().Width("100px").Max(9999999999).ID("agTelId"));

For now it is as shown above, but with TextBox, gets like this:

groupItems.AddSimpleFor(m => m.Bcx_telefone).CssClass("agTel")
.Editor(e => e.TextBox().Width("100px").MaxLength(15).OnKeyPress("key_press").ID("agTelId"));


function key_press(e) {
    //Não sei como continuar e bloquear os caracteres 

2 answers


Instead of using the attribute OnKeyPress, use a Event Handler. Thus, with the function .test() you can cancel the event by restricting the allowed characters with a simple regular expression (Regex).

Remove from the code the part .OnKeyPress("key_press"). You will pull the textbox through id, thus remaining:

document.getElementById("agTelId").onkeypress = function(e){
   if(!/[()-\d]/.test(e.key)) e.preventDefault();

A Regex: [()-\d]

The characters inside the brackets [] indicate which characters are allowed, in the case of parentheses (), the hyphen - and any number from 0 to 9, represented by the words \d.

Test example:

document.getElementById("agTelId").onkeypress = function(e){
   if(!/[()-\d]/.test(e.key)) e.preventDefault();
<input type="text" id="agTelId">

  • I see that your code works running here, but in mine it doesn’t work, maybe I’m doing something wrong, but I removed Onkeypress and added Document.get... inside the <script></script>, I’m sure or should be declared outside?

  • See if it shows an error in the console?

  • You’d have to start a chat so I could show you the print?


Because there are different types of keyboard, and this validation is on the client side, it is not possible to cover 100% of the cases. So always keep your validations first on the server-side, and replicate them in the client-side.

To achieve this with the Keypress event, control with a regular expression:

function validate(e) {
  var _event = e || window.event;

  if (_event.type === 'paste') {
      key = event.clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
  } else {
      var key = _event.keyCode || _event.which;
      key = String.fromCharCode(key);
  var regex = /[0-9]|\(|\)|\-/;
  if(!regex.test(key)) {
    _event.returnValue = false;
    if (_event.preventDefault) _event.preventDefault();

The regular expression I made was /[0-9]|\(|\)|\-/. She considers numbers from 0 to 9, parentheses and hyphens.

Pay attention to the Event.preventDefault, because it is he who cancels the Keypress event, when some key was rejected by the regular expression.

  • Sounds good, but for some reason that I can’t explain it doesn’t work in mine, I’ll debug to see if I can find the reason

  • I appreciate your reply, I will accept sam’s answer, because he helped me a lot here in chat, then I will analyze to see why I did not get it that way

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