Merge Sorted Java


Viewed 96 times


I need to merge in java, with values of an Instance of a class, Queue a and Queue b, I made a method to insert(), in the Queue class. and would like to access the values of a and b. And assign these values to another Instance of the Queue class, type Queue c = new Queue (gets the values of A and B). But I don’t have much idea to do that, I appreciate any kind of help.

Class Queue with other methods

public class Fila {

    private int remove;
    private int max = 0;
    public int dado[];

    public Fila(int tamanhoFila) {
        this.dado = new int[tamanhoFila];
        this.remove = 0;

    Fila() {

    public  void insere(int elemento) {
        if (this.max < this.dado.length) {
            this.dado[this.max] = elemento;

    public void cheia() {
        if (this.max == this.dado.length) {
            System.out.println("A Fila esta cheia");
        } else {
            System.out.println("A Fila não esta cheia");

    public boolean vazia() {
        if (this.max == 0) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public Object primeiro() {
        if (this.vazia()) {
            return "A fila esta vazia !";

        return this.dado[0];

    public Object ultimo() {
        return this.dado[--max];

    public Object remove() {
        int pos = 0;
        int removeElemento = this.dado[pos];

        for (int i = pos; i < this.max - 1; i++) {
            dado[i] = dado[i + 1];

        return removeElemento;


    public String toString() {
        return Arrays.toString(this.dado);


Class Executes with the main method

public class Executa {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Fila a = new Fila(4);
        Fila b = new Fila(5);
        Fila c = new Fila(9);





2 answers


Add this constructor with these two additional parameters, fila1 and fila2, row 1 will be the row that will have its first value (from dado) at the beginning of dado of the queue being instantiated:

Fila(int tamanhoFila, Fila fila1, Fila fila2) {
    this.dado = new int[tamanhoFila];
    this.remove = 0;

    int i = 0, j = 0; // Guarda a posição atual em fila1.dado e fila2.dado
    // Repete até não sobrar valores a ler nos dois
    while (i != fila1.dado.length || j != fila2.dado.length) {
        // O valor de fila1.dado[i] é o primeiro a ser adicionado
        if (i < fila1.dado.length) {
            this.dado[i+j] = fila1.dado[i];
        // O valor de fila2.dado[j] é adicionado depois
        if (j < fila2.dado.length) {
            this.dado[i+j] = fila2.dado[j];

With these parameters, your example requires that the Fila c is instantiated in this way:

Fila c = new Fila(9, b, a);
  • I made the constructor method, as reported above. Only when instantiating in the Run class, it presents me with errors in the instance. Displaying errors in b and a. public class Executes { public Static void main(String[] args) { Fila c = new Fila(9, b, a); } }

  • See if you urged c only after entering the values of the other two Filas, if you still have the problem edit your question showing what you tried and where and which errors are.

  • I managed to, thank you very much.

  • If you’ve got it differently, answer your question with your solution and mark it as correct, to help other people with a similar question.


I used a method for such a solution

public Static Merge queue(Queue queueA, Queue queue) { Row row row = new Row(row.dado.length + row.dado.length);

    int proximoA = 0;
    int proximoB = 0;
    int proximoC = 0;

    while (proximoA < filaA.dado.length && proximoB < filaB.dado.length) {
        if (filaA.dado[proximoA] <= filaB.dado[proximoB]) {
            filaC.dado[proximoC++] = filaA.dado[proximoA++];
        } else {
            filaC.dado[proximoC++] = filaB.dado[proximoB++];

    while (proximoA < filaA.dado.length) {
        filaC.dado[proximoC++] = filaA.dado[proximoA++];

    while (proximoB < filaB.dado.length) {
        filaC.dado[proximoC++] = filaB.dado[proximoB++];

    return filaC;


and in the main method, the code went like this

public class Executes {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Fila filaA = new Fila(4);
    Fila filaB = new Fila(5);



    Fila filaMergeada = Fila.merge(filaA, filaB);




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