Error running Android app - React Native


Viewed 1,812 times


I created my Android app using React-Native.

I can use connecting the phone on the PC or using an emulator.

However, when I send the signed version of the application and install it on my phone it does not run. I imported the same to Google Play and downloaded on the same device that I use to test, the same continues not running and does not report the error, just says that the "app stopped..."

Is there any way to know which error is more specific? Or a solution to this?

OBS.: I managed the application as required by the documentation and Android Studio itself, no error.

Ao executar ele direto do Google Play ou a partir do arquivo .apk

Nenhum erro ao gerar o .apk

  • In google play has an area with the crashs of the app, give a look there, You may find something useful

1 answer


When generating the release build (app release APK), the procedure is different from that performed for debug (development APK). In this print file you sent, try disabling the properties minifyEnabledand shrinkResources for the Flavour release. This will disable some optimizations that, when not configured correctly, can cause crashes on app startup (which usually happen because you can’t find features, classes, or methods). Note that from the point of view of optimization and possibly security (in case you disable some Proguard option), these may be recommended options, as they remove unnecessary (unused) portions of the app in order to decrease the size of the APK; or optimize code at a low level. The relevant documentation is available in this link.

To find out the precise origin of the error, you can enable the same Flavour settings release to the debug - except, of course, the property debuggable, that must remain true. Thus, the build process will be similar and you will have log of errors right after the app crashes.

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