Add class and remove


Viewed 72 times



I want to get him to add the attribute active in suite-internal-item and remove the ones you have, but it’s not working.




<ul class="suite-internal-items">
       <li class="suite-internal-item active">
           <img src="assets/images/aloha1.jpg" alt="">
        <li class="suite-internal-item">
            <img src="assets/images/aloha2.jpg" alt="">
        <li class="suite-internal-item">
            <img src="assets/images/aloha3.jpg" alt="">
    <div class="suite-internal-links">
        <a href="" class="suite-internal-link">
            <img src="assets/images/aloha1.jpg" alt="">
        <a href="" class="suite-internal-link">
            <img src="assets/images/aloha2.jpg" alt="">
        <a href="" class="suite-internal-link">
            <img src="assets/images/aloha3.jpg" alt="">
  • What is your doubt?

  • I am wanting to make him adc the attribute 'active' in the class suite-Internal-item and remove the active ones that have, but it is not working

3 answers


You can use the $(this) and .siblings() to say that the clicked item should add the class ativo at the same time you remove the class of brothers.

Follow the example:

}); {
    opacity: .5;
<script src=""></script>

<ul class="suite-internal-items">
    <li class="suite-internal-item active">
        <img src="">
    <li class="suite-internal-item">
        <img src="">
    <li class="suite-internal-item">
        <img src="">

  • Great!! you could show me how I would do by clicking on . suite-Internal-link and adc active on . suite-Internal-item, just like you did, just changing the target to . suite-Internal-link.

  • Ai gets a little complicated, because as you will define in which of the 3 . suite-Internal-item you want to add the class? You have to explain better what logic you want to make

  • Kind of what I’m trying to do is a slider with 3 small images enbaixo of a large ,clicking on 1 of the small ones I want to appear above in the large..

  • In this would be ideal to put an ID on each image, so in the href of the link you put the image ID, like this, <img id="n1"> and <a href="n1"> this way the two in the "same" value you get "linkalos", here is an answer that will help. Read the code carefully, it’s very simple to understand!


You can do that by taking the index of the clicked element and apply to the same index of the list element using the method .eq(índice) jQuery:

   background: red;

   width: 40px;
   height: 40px;
<script src=""></script>
<ul class="suite-internal-items">
       <li class="suite-internal-item active">
           <img src="" alt="">
        <li class="suite-internal-item">
            <img src="" alt="">
        <li class="suite-internal-item">
            <img src="" alt="">
 <div class="suite-internal-links">
     <a href="" class="suite-internal-link">
         <img src="" alt="">
     <a href="" class="suite-internal-link">
         <img src="" alt="">
     <a href="" class="suite-internal-link">
         <img src="" alt="">

  • Good Uncle, I knew I had a way to access the index, but I didn’t know how to use the .index() My idea was to use href to access the image id

  • Mt good sam. Thank you.


You can try it this way:

  border:1px solid #f00;

  border:1px solid #00f;
<script src=""></script>
<ul class="suite-internal-items">
       <li class="suite-internal-item active">
           <img src="assets/images/aloha1.jpg" alt="">
        <li class="suite-internal-item">
            <img src="assets/images/aloha2.jpg" alt="">
        <li class="suite-internal-item">
            <img src="assets/images/aloha3.jpg" alt="">
    <div class="suite-internal-links">
        <a href="" class="suite-internal-link">
            <img src="assets/images/aloha1.jpg" alt="">
        <a href="" class="suite-internal-link">
            <img src="assets/images/aloha2.jpg" alt="">
        <a href="" class="suite-internal-link">
            <img src="assets/images/aloha3.jpg" alt="">

  • Great Albertt!! you could show me how I would do by clicking on . suite-Internal-link and adc active on . suite-Internal-item, just like you did, just changing the target to . suite-Internal-link.

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