

Viewed 295 times


I’m having trouble creating a web page where I have select boxes dependent on it. For example, after selecting the first box the values of the second one vary according to the selected option. The fields of the two boxes (values) come from a database. It can be using javascript, jquerry, etc.

Can someone help me ? Thank you

  • NOTE: I need to access the database (sql server) and use the values of a certain column to insert in the selections box. And the columns have to be dependent on each other (example state and city). In addition you would need to insert the values back into a new row of the SQL table.

1 answer



You can use this example of selecting "Country / State / City".

Basically working with the select box "onchange" events:

<form name="myform" id="myForm">
  <select id="countySel" size="1">
        <option value="" selected="selected">-- Select Country --</option>

    <select id="stateSel" size="1">
        <option value="" selected="selected">-- Select State--</option>
    <select id="citySel" size="1">
        <option value="" selected="selected">-- Select City--</option>
    <select id="zipSel" size="1">
        <option value="" selected="selected">-- Select Zip--</option>

var countryStateInfo = {
    "USA": {
        "California": {
            "Los Angeles": ["90001", "90002", "90003", "90004"],
            "San Diego": ["92093", "92101"]
        "Texas": {
            "Dallas": ["75201", "75202"],
            "Austin": ["73301", "73344"]
    "India": {
        "Assam": {
            "Dispur": ["781005"],
            "Guwahati" : ["781030", "781030"]
        "Gujarat": {
            "Vadodara" : ["390011", "390020"],
            "Surat" : ["395006", "395002"]

window.onload = function () {

    //Get html elements
    var countySel = document.getElementById("countySel");
    var stateSel = document.getElementById("stateSel"); 
    var citySel = document.getElementById("citySel");
    var zipSel = document.getElementById("zipSel");

    //Load countries
    for (var country in countryStateInfo) {
        countySel.options[countySel.options.length] = new Option(country, country);

    //County Changed
    countySel.onchange = function () {

         stateSel.length = 1; // remove all options bar first
         citySel.length = 1; // remove all options bar first
         zipSel.length = 1; // remove all options bar first

         if (this.selectedIndex < 1)
             return; // done

         for (var state in countryStateInfo[this.value]) {
             stateSel.options[stateSel.options.length] = new Option(state, state);

    //State Changed
    stateSel.onchange = function () {        

         citySel.length = 1; // remove all options bar first
         zipSel.length = 1; // remove all options bar first

         if (this.selectedIndex < 1)
             return; // done

         for (var city in countryStateInfo[countySel.value][this.value]) {
             citySel.options[citySel.options.length] = new Option(city, city);

    //City Changed
    citySel.onchange = function () {
        zipSel.length = 1; // remove all options bar first

        if (this.selectedIndex < 1)
            return; // done

        var zips = countryStateInfo[countySel.value][stateSel.value][this.value];
        for (var i = 0; i < zips.length; i++) {
            zipSel.options[zipSel.options.length] = new Option(zips[i], zips[i]);

  • Great answer! The example is perfect, congratulations! I think it will help a lot.

  • But Marcelo, how do I get the values to be extracted from the database?. For example, here he defines "manually" the values. I cannot define this way, because the number of a certain box can increase or decrease.

  • One way is to use a jQuery GET call for your Rest application during the "onchange" event. Use this link: What language you are using as Backend?

  • While this link may answer the question, it is best to include the essential parts of the answer here and provide the link for reference. Replies per link only can be invalidated if the page with the link is changed. - Of Revision

  • OK @Joãomartins, I changed the answer as suggested.

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