Add Item and Index to combobox


Viewed 155 times


Hello, I would like to insert in a combobox the Item and the index of that Item.

The item (function_name) I do through a query in a database and I wanted the index to be the working id_function.

I’ve tried several ways and I haven’t been able to.

Note: The error it causes is "It was expected: = "

Follow the Code below.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim TotalCursos As Variant

'Parametrização do Banco de Dados
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
strDB = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\SistemaGerenciamento.accdb"
cn.ConnectionString = _
          "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
          "Data Source=" & strDB & ";"

strSQL = "SELECT id_funcionario, nome_funcionario FROM tbl_funcionario"
Set rs = cn.Execute(strSQL)
    Do While Not rs.EOF
        cmb_funcionario.AddItem (rs("nome_Funcionario"),rs("id_funcionario"))


End Sub

1 answer


In this line:

cmb_funcionario.AddItem (rs("nome_Funcionario"),rs("id_funcionario"))

Remove the parentheses, Window adc. the comma but placed inside the parentheses making the Additem method understand as only a parameter. Now the error about: "It was expected: = " means that Voce is doing an operation between (rs("function_name"),rs("function_id_work")). And I don’t understand what you want with the vigula and it returns the error.

Soon the expected should be:

cmb_funcionario.AddItem rs("nome_Funcionario"),rs("id_funcionario")

Note that Index is only the order the items appear in the combobox. And depending on the order the records were registered can cause inconvenience to the user.

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