Whoa, that’s all right!?
You will need the following:
- Class to make a request to the server and save the mobile id
- Other Box to receive notification.
First do the Firebase Imports in build.Gradle (Module: app), assuming that you are already using firebase in your project, because there are other basic steps needed to work (those that firebase teaches you to configure when you create the project in the console):
implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:12.0.1'
You will need these following parameters in your manifest within the application tag (along with the activitys declaration).
<!--notificação -->
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.INSTANCE_ID_EVENT"/>
android:name=".FCM.FCMService" >
<action android:name="com.google.firebase.MESSAGING_EVENT"/>
Next you will need to create the classes for the FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging)
Fcminstanceidservice.java: to generate the device’s unique token. This write token, is to write to my own server, if do not use delete this method):
* Criado por Leonardo Figueiredo em 20/08/2018.
public class FCMInstanceIdService extends FirebaseInstanceIdService {
public static String TAG = "FirebaseLog";
String refreshedToken;
public void onTokenRefresh() {
refreshedToken = FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getToken();
Log.d(TAG, "Token: " + refreshedToken);
public void gravaToken() {
TokenModel tokenModel = new TokenModel();
Call<TokenModel> call = new RetrofitConfig().getApiCandidato().gravaToken(tokenModel.getTokenDevice(), tokenModel.getSo());
call.enqueue(new Callback<TokenModel>()
public void onResponse(Call<TokenModel> call, Response<TokenModel> response) {
public void onFailure(Call<TokenModel> call, Throwable t) {
Now you need the Fcmservice.java class: you are responsible for receiving and handling the notification.
* Criado por Leonardo Figueiredo em 20/08/2018.
public class FCMService extends FirebaseMessagingService {
public static String TAG = "FirebaseLog";
public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
Log.v(TAG, "recebeu mensagem do firebase");
//verifica se recebeu alguma notificacao
if (remoteMessage.getNotification() != null) {
String mensagem = remoteMessage.getNotification().getBody();
Intent intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), PrincipalActivity.class);
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(getBaseContext(), 0, intent, 0);
NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(getBaseContext())
.setLargeIcon(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ic_logo_color))
.setDefaults(Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE | Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND)
.setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle().bigText(mensagem))
NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
notificationManager.notify(99, builder.build());
Log.d(TAG, "Menssagem: " + remoteMessage.getNotification().getBody());
Now just go to your firebase console, go to the Zoom -> Cloud Messaging menu.
If you want to send directly by your scrip, see this link step by step, so that Automatize and send by your script: https://gist.github.com/rolinger/d6500d65128db95f004041c2b636753a
Fill in the data and send it and be happy.
NOTE: Place a breakpoint in the Fcminstanceidservice class and check if it generated a hash, this is your device’s unique id (only happens the first time you install the App).
Before sending, place a breakpoint in the Fcmservice class, as this is where the message will arrive.
serves to inform which group you want to send a certain notification. I made a code some time ago (https://packagist.org/packages/valdeirpsr/firebasemessaging-php) and it can help you. P.S.: You can delete theto
– Valdeir Psr
as you can see here, is to trigger the notification to a specific device.– Icaro Martins
@Valdeir Psr its structure is too big for use in my project and I also don’t use Composer. I tried to omit the OT in the code as they said, but the message is not sent and the return and only the word to. I appreciate some more help. Had understood that only omitting the TO the message would go to the APP connected to API_ACCESS_KEY
– Gilberto Lopes Inacio