I can’t make research work with eloquent and relationship!!! Laravel 5.5 and mysql


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I’m doing a search taking a piece of word and playing a search like LIKE for fields fields. Use the Eloquent and relationships, but does not bring the data.

    $pesquisa   = $dataForm['pesquisa'];

    $atestados = Atestado::with([
        'colaborador' => function ($query) use ($pesquisa) {
              $query->where('colaboradors.matricula', 'LIKE', "%{$pesquisa}%")
                    ->orWhere('colaboradors.nome', 'LIKE', "%{$pesquisa}%");
        'cid' => function ($query) use ($pesquisa) {
              $query->orWhere('cids.codigo', 'LIKE', "%{$pesquisa}%");
        'situacao' => function ($query) use ($pesquisa) {
              $query->orWhere('situacaos.descricao', 'LIKE', "%{$pesquisa}%");
     ->orderBy('data_afastamento', 'desc')
  • You’re probably not satisfying so you don’t come back. Tell me you’re not returning what? explains better, a result you should trim, something like ...

  • Virgil, I put a part plate in the field search which is 9-7

  • I will paste here the result dd. In case brought all the records being that should bring only one that has this condition.

  • {Collection {#368 ▼
 #items: array:28 [▼
 0 => Atestado {#378 ▶}
 1 => Atestado {#379 ▶}
 2 => Atestado {#380 ▶}
 3 => Atestado {#381 ▶}
 4 => Atestado {#382 ▶}
 5 => Atestado {#383 ▶}
 6 => Atestado {#384 ▶}
 7 => Atestado {#385 ▶}
 8 => Atestado {#386 ▶}
 9 => Atestado {#387 ▶}
 10 => Atestado {#388 ▶}
 11 => Atestado {#389 ▶}
 12 => Atestado {#390 ▶}
 13 => Atestado {#391 ▶}
 14 => Atestado {#392 ▶}

  • You’re only supposed to bring this one. { 0 => Attested {#378 #Relations: array:3 [ "collaborator" => Contributor {#377 #fillable: array:7 [ ] "id" => 2 "centrocusto_id" => 1 "cargo_id" => 1 "matricula" => "45839-7" "name" => "João Carlos dos Santos" ] } "Cid" => Cid {#367 } "situation" => Situation {#371 } ] } 7 and brought all the records.

  • Should only bring 0 => Atestado does not work like this, load ratios only appear when the main has data! maybe you need to do it separately, I still don’t understand the purpose. try to explain in your question that I can help you

  • Good, is a system that registers medical certificates. (absenteeism). Then I have a certificate table that has data (relationships) with collaborator, Cid (medical clearance code) and situation (status type away, working inss). The filter aims to take from a search field and pass to a select by doing like of the matricula, name of the contributor. This contributor table is related to the attested table. I thought of doing it separately using Join. Maybe I have more control. What do you think?

  • instead of get I used toSql() to view select and came {"select * from atestados order by data_afastamento desc"} It is as if eloquent did not take the query variable and pass the content to select. This part is not working. { $search = $dataForm['search']; $attestations = Attestation::with([ 'collaborator' => Function ($query) use ($search) { $query->Where('colaboradors.matricula', 'LIKE', "%{$search}%") ->orWhere('colaboradors.nome', 'LIKE', "%{$pesquisa}%"); }, }

  • If you’re looking to get all the vouchers?

  • Yes. The certificate that corresponds to the part of the registration or name of the collaborator. That comes from the dataForm search as put in the previous comment. That’s all.

  • Let’s see if I understand, you want to bring only the attestations according to the research of the relationship, then the technique is another, $posts = App\Post::whereHas('comments', function ($query) {
 $query->where('content', 'like', 'foo%');
})->get(); that’s how

  • this way look at the link: https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/eloquent-relationships#querying-Relationship-Existence and you beyond said can bring relationships

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1 answer


Utilize whereHas to check the relationship data and with with load data from the relationship between entities, example:

$pesquisa = $dataForm['pesquisa'];
$atestados = Atestado::with(['colaborador','cid','situacao'])
        ->whereHas('colaborador', function ($query) use ($pesquisa)
            $query->where('matricula', 'like', "%{$pesquisa}%"); 
        ->whereHas('cid' => function ($query) use ($pesquisa) 
            $query->where('cids.codigo', 'LIKE', "%{$pesquisa}%");
        ->whereHas('situacao' => function ($query) use ($pesquisa) 
            $query->where('situacaos.descricao', 'LIKE', "%{$pesquisa}%");
        ->orderBy('data_afastamento', 'desc')


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