I’m starting to study React Enable, but whenever I try to start the emulator an error.
or -list-avds
or -no-snapshot -avd Nexus_5X_API_25
[204]:ERROR:android/android-emu/android/qt/qt_setup.cpp:28:Qt library not found
at ..\emulator\lib64\qt\lib
Could not launch 'C:\Users\MIDIASILK\Documents\Junior\Android\curso-react-native
\exercicios\..\emulator\qemu\windows-x86_64\qemu-system-armel.exe': No such file
or directory
First I tried on my mobile but it only stays on a red screen when I give the command react-native run-app
Then I decided to try the emulator, but I can’t start it that way.
So I tried that way:
rs\MIDIASILK\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools\emulator.exe -avd
But there’s a crash called:
Android emulator closed unexpectedly.
Soon then I tried to run by the expo with a usb cable, but whenever I swivel react-native run-android
my phone gets a red screen error.
Would anyone know why this keeps happening? If I could run the expo or the other method would be perfect.
Just remembering that my machine has already installed Node, jdk, the environment variables of jdk and android studio are already defined, python tbm is installed and I installed the necessary packages to run React.
What is happening is that the environment is not configured correctly. The error itself indicates this [204]:ERROR:android/android-emu/android/Qt/qt_setup.cpp:28:Qt library not found at .. Emulator lib64 Qt lib. It is very important to read the error that happens.
– sant0will
Forgetting a little the execution by command line, you can start the emulator normally by Android Studio?
– Renan Gomes
Sorry the delay to reply. I also can not run by android studio, simply does not open.
– Célio Júnior