Is there a way to do "Migration" in Rabbitmq?


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I wonder if there is any alternative to create/change/remove Exchanges, queues and bindings without relying on the framework (in my case, Spring) for this.

Often we need to change the name of a Routing Key, Queue or Exchange, and these frameworks do not allow this type of more refined change. As a consequence, the tendency is for the original names to remain. In the future, this confuses the organization of the queues, as you cannot easily give a proper maintenance in their name and eventually reorganize them.

The ideal for me would be a tool that controls this, as with the migration tools (Migration), like Liquibase, Flyway, etc.

Making a parallel with the database, currently let Spring create everything in Rabbitmq seems analogous to leave on the hbm2ddl option "update" in Hibernate.

I know questions about tools are not suitable in the OS, but since I did not find any alternative to this problem so I thought the question was valid.

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1 answer


After research on the subject, I do not believe that I can implement a strategy of Migration for Rabbitmq queues as I do for a database.

The possibility to change them exists, but not in a declarative form. It needs to be done by programming the change.

With Spring, I can use the RabbitAdmin.declareBinding() to do the bind with a route key (and/or exchange) different. I can use the RabbitAdmin.removeBinding() to remove the old.

Cannot change the arguments of a created queue, such as its variables related to DLQ (Dead Letter Queue) or durability.

To move messages from an old queue to a new queue, I can program to do this or use the plugin Shovel, installed in Rabbitmq itself.

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