Limit @Onetomany List


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Good morning Guys! I have some problems in a list that in some cases do not need to return it completely

@OneToMany(mappedBy="local", cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@OrderBy("dataContagem DESC")
private List<Contagem> contagens;

I have tried using the @Size and @Max validation. I am using Hibernate with the JPA specification. It is possible to perform this limit of the Onetomany list in the JPQL query ?

  • Not possible. Use Native Query or JPQL.

  • Ideally you remove the EAGER of @OneToMany and control the number of results manually, with a separate query just to pick up Count, so you make your code much more flexible. The EAGER is a "code Smell", avoid using it, prefer to use the LAZY.

1 answer


I found this answer that should suit your need in stackoverflow-en

@OneToMany(mappedBy="local", cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
@OrderBy("dataContagem DESC")
@Size(min=1, max=10)
private List<Contagem> contagens;

Remove the fetch EAGER pq it can cause overhead if it is used with a list and has many records, look for calling the contagens.size(); before sending the object, the active proxy will make the selection of the list of contagens

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