Aggregating row-by-row information in excel column


Viewed 40 times


Good morning

My goal is to transpose in vba these 2 lines to (in this case 6 lines)

I mean, what I want is to repeat all the information but then I just want to have a column of privileges even if I’ve repeated all the rest of the information

Imagem do caso

Dim countprivilegios As Integer
Dim linha As Integer
Dim colunaprivilegio As Integer
Dim folhaorigem As String
Dim folhadestino As String
Dim userlinha As String
Dim nomelinha As String

folhaorigem = "Extração Enterprise User InaAct"
folhadestino = "Extração Enter UsersInaActiv"
linhafolhaorigem = 2
colunaprivilegio = 18
userlinha = ""
nomelinha = ""

Do While linha <> ""

    Do While colunaprivilegio <> ""

        '(o que devo colocar aqui)
        imprimir folhaorigem, folhadestino, linhafolhaorigem
        colunaprivilegio = colunaprivilegio + 1

    linha = linha + 1
  • I didn’t find the question very clear, see [Ask]. And create a [mcve] with the answer data of what you want with that data. Also read how to accept answers

1 answer


As the danieltakeshi mentioned above, more information is needed for a more accurate answer. But follow a code I made that can help with what you need:

Sub TrasporRangeSelection()

Dim vShtFonte As Worksheet
Dim vShtDestino As Worksheet
Dim vFonteLinhaInicio As Long
Dim vFonteColunaInicio As Long
Dim vFonteColunaFim As Long
Dim vFonteColunaPivo As Long
Dim vFonteRange As Range
Dim vResultSet As Variant
Dim i As Long

    Set vShtFonte = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Fonte")
    Set vShtDestino = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Destino")
    vFonteLinhaInicio = 2
    'ColunaPivo neste caso é uma coluna que vai sempre estar preenchido. nunca vai estar em branco qdo a linha estiver preenchida
    vFonteColunaPivo = 1
    vFonteColunaInicio = 5
    vFonteColunaFim = 10
    i = 0

    Do While vShtFonte.Cells(vFonteLinhaInicio, vFonteColunaPivo).Offset(i, 0).Value <> vbNullString

        Set vFonteRange = _
        vShtFonte.Range(vShtFonte.Cells(vFonteLinhaInicio + i, vFonteColunaInicio), _
                        vShtFonte.Cells(vFonteLinhaInicio + i, vFonteColunaFim))

        vResultSet = Application.Transpose(vFonteRange)

        If vShtDestino.Cells(2, 1).Value = vbNullString Then
            vShtDestino.Range(vShtDestino.Cells(2, 1), vShtDestino.Cells(2 + UBound(vResultSet, 1) - 1, 1)).Value = vResultSet
            vShtDestino.Range(vShtDestino.Cells(2, 1).End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0), vShtDestino.Cells(2, 1).End(xlDown).Offset(UBound(vResultSet, 1), 0)).Value = vResultSet
        End If
        i = i + 1

End Sub

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