Error uploading apk to google play console


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I’m uploading my app to google play and I’m not getting my apk up, anyone knows what the mistake is?inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • But the error ta written there, you can not upload another apk with the same version, just change to version 2 (or 1.1)

  • I’m new at this

  • I don’t think I’ve climbed anything kkkj, so I don’t know. How would I change this version or where I can see the apk I’ve already climbed?

  • I managed to find where it is, anyway thank you, your answer cleared my head!

  • You went on the build.Radle inside the /app? And increased the versionCode there?

  • No I deleted what had gone wrong, which was version 1 and then I uploaded that version again

  • To avoid excluding from your artifacts, change versionCode in the build.gradle at the application level and android:versionCode in AndroidManifest.xml

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I switched the versionCode in the build.Lade and climbed again.

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