View condition does not work


Viewed 153 times


I’m checking if my Viewbag comes something

So I’ll tell you what:

@if (ViewBag.Itens != null)
    foreach (var item in ViewBag.Itens)
        <div class="col-md-6">
            <div class="checkbox">
                    <input type="checkbox" name="ItensCheck" value="@item.Value" checked="@item.Selected" />
    @Html.Raw("Não existe Itens cadastrado.")

When he comes to the list of Items, he runs through my foreach and does everything as I want, but when he has nothing, he does not make the condition.

2 answers


Convert your Viewbag to a strong type before comparing:

    var itens = ((IEnumerable<TipoDaLista>)ViewBag.Itens); 
    if (itens != null) 
    } else {
  • It still doesn’t work, I send a List<Selectlistitem> and yet, I can’t get Else to return that message

  • @Rod already tried to inspect the ViewBag.Itens in Debug?

  • It does not come null, but with Count()>0 also does not work..

  • Gypsy, I created a variable @ { var Items = .. and then I made the conditions and loop on it and it worked, just edit your answer so I can mark, after all, without your answer I wouldn’t have solved

  • @Rod edited the reply. Thank you.


Use Object.Referenceequals(null, Viewbag.Items).

Viewbag and Dynamic type, as this type is variable there is no native comparator like string.equals.

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