I have a question in this part of php with data passing from one screen to another. I want to bring the database resolve data in php and generate a PDF for the user to check or download it.
On a screen I make the user type from data x to x that he wants to fetch the results in the database.
Right after I do a query for him to take the data and do a count and percentage.
<?php include "conexao.php"; ?>
<h1>Pesquisa Teste</h1>
<form method="GET" action="gerar.php" target="_blank">
Pesquisar data Inicial:<input type="date" name="data1" placeholder="Pesquisar">
Pesquisar data Final:<input type="date" name="data2" placeholder="Pesquisar">
<input type="submit" value="Enviar" name="submit" >
$data1 = isset($_GET['data1']);
$data2 = isset($_GET['data2']);
$link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "iam") or die (mysqli_error());
$sql = "select count(id) AS ID, sum(agesimpatia='otimo') as AgesimpOTIMO, sum(agesimpatia='bom') as AgesimpBOM,sum(agesimpatia='ruim') as AgesimpRUIM, sum(agesimpatia='naoutilizei') as AgesimpNaoUti
from form_votacao where datavotacao >= '$data1' and datavotacao <= '$data2' ;";
$query = mysqli_query($link, $sql);
$row = mysqli_num_rows($query);
if($row > 0){
while($linha = mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
$age_otimo = $linha['AgesimpOTIMO'];
$age_bom = $linha['AgesimpBOM'];
$age_ruim = $linha['AgesimpRUIM'];
$age_nu = $linha['AgesimpNaoUti'];
$age_total = $linha['ID'];
$age_final = $age_total - $age_nu;
if($age_total != 0){
$age_porotimo = round(($age_otimo * 100 ) / $age_total);
$age_porbom = round(($age_bom * 100 ) / $age_total);
$age_porruim = round(($age_ruim * 100 ) / $age_total);
$age_pornaouti = round(($age_nu * 100 ) / $age_total);
$age_portotal = round(($age_total * 100) / $age_total);
echo "Agendamento Otimo: $age_otimo";
echo $_GET['$age_otimo'];
echo "<br/>";
echo "Agendamento Bom: $age_bom";
echo "<br/>";
echo "Agendamento Ruim: $age_ruim";
echo "<br/>";
echo "Agendamento Não Utilizei: $age_nu";
echo "<br/>";
echo "Agendamento Total: $age_final";
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
echo "<hr/>";
echo "Agendamento Porcentagem de Otimo: " . number_format($age_porotimo) ."%";
echo "<br/>";
echo "Agendamento Porcentagem de Bom: " . number_format($age_porbom) ."%";
echo "<br/>";
echo "Agendamento Porcentagem de Ruim: " . number_format($age_porruim) ."%";
echo "<br/>";
echo "Agendamento Porcentagem de Não Utilizei: " . number_format($age_pornaouti) ."%";
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
echo "Agendamento Porcentagem Total: " . number_format($age_portotal)."%";
echo "<br/>";
} else {
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
echo "Selecione a data acima que deseja procurar";
} else {
echo "Desculpe, ainda não existe registro ou conexão não está ativa!";
// $sendPesquisa = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'submit', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
Next page where the user is redirected to show the information only that is in bringing them blank.
include "mpdf/mpdf.php";
include "index.php";
$data1 = $_GET['data1'];
$data2 = $_GET['data2'];
$pagina =
"<html method='GET'>
<h1>Pesquisa de Satisfação </h1>
<h6>Filtro: Pesquisa da data: ".$data1." até ".$data2."</h6>
<table border='1'>
<td>Agendamento Simpatia Otimo:" .$age_otimo. "</td><br>
<td>%Otimo:" .$age_porotimo. "</td><br>
<td>TOTAL: " .$age_total. "</td>
$arquivo = "gerar.pdf";
$mpdf = new mPDF();
$mpdf->Output($arquivo, 'I');